Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Nights suck

So, I once touted on how wonderful Tramadol a.k.a. Ultram is. Now I am taking a miserable regression to that statement. See, those of you who (for what ever reason) find my blog and know me personally, you have heard this from me. I've been a drug addict most of my teen and adult life. I've rehabbed, I've quit, I've fallen.

Somewhere past the decades of weed, coke, crack, pills and meth.... there was a doctor who decided that my pain was worth prescribing Lortab for, and he did, and I happily went on my way to the pharmacy.

Take it forward a year or so, and you will find that I've asked to be taken off narcotic medicines in an effort to get better. He happily done this for me, and this is when I was introduced to tramadol as a substitute. Not that I haven't had this "non-narcotic" lie before, but I didn't know that adding Ibuprophen to it would make me feel like I was on a narcotic. Sadly, we find that Amber was substituting one drug for another.

Now, lets go back a few years. I carried a baby, who at one point during pregnancy weighed in at a whopping 11 pounds. Put that on top of the already terrible damage I'd already done to my body while using and mix it in with arthritis and scoliosis, lower-dosis. Oh and don't forget the sports injuries. Having suffered with all of this I couldn't tell whether the drugs (or lack there of) or the legit problems were the true cause of my pain.

So at this point, my doctor believes a slight amount of truth may lie behind the physical issues more than we had once thought. He tells me it might be fibromyalgia, but with medicaid I couldn't get the testing done. What does he do but feed me more Lortab.... and what do I do but take it like a good lil' addict does.

This doctor, for what ever reason, left the practice I went to. Another was appointed to me, and I don't wanna touch the subject of that crazy bitch just yet... but there is a point to this. This new lady puts me on some meds.... Tramadol, yet again minus the Ibuprofen. Okay, I ask myself, is this yet another misconception of pain or did I really fuck my self this time?  Apparently some of my tests come back positive. . . yeah, I'd gone and done it. Positive for an auto immune disease as well as a connective tissue disease. She thinks it's Lupus, but I think that no matter what it is now, it's due to the drugs and abuse I've gone through.

So yeah, come back to the present. I'm back on meds, with yet another doc. Tramadol, once again, 4x a day, which I have a habit of taking all 4 for breakfast like it's the raisins to my Wheaties, minus the Wheaties. Once again, this fuck ass pain has me slave to it's needs of meds. The reason I'm still awake is because I've run out of my meds, and yeah, this one of those that causes a person to detox, yet it's a non-narcotic. WTF!!! I WANT TO SLEEP!!!

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